Technical Lab Guide
A Step-by-Step Lab Guide to accompany the Cloud Security Workshop
Learning some basic Use Cases of the Netskope Security Cloud Platform
If you have any questions or suggestions, please report to author:
Table of contents
Lab 0: Let's realize how much we need to do (5min - optionnal) 3
Lab1a: Introduction to Netskope Home Screen (5min) 4
Lab 2: Safely Enable Cloud Applications 19
Lab 2a: Add Your User, Install and Verify Netskope Client 20
Lab 2b: Build your URL filter with Allow and Block lists (ca. 10min) 24
Lab 2c: Prevent usage of Cloud Storage Apps with bad reputation (ca. 10min) 30
Lab 2d: Prevent uploads to non-corporate cloud services 34
Lab 2e: Allow usage (incl. uploads) of corporate O365 instance 36
Lab 3: Prevent Corporate Confidential files leaving towards unmanaged Cloud Apps 42
Lab 3a: Use DLP engine along Instance Awareness on corporate O365 instance 42
Lab 3b: Use Machine-Learning DLP (optional - if you have time) 52
Lab 4: Verify Threat Protection 54
Lab 4a: Verify anti-malware real-time engine is preventing download 54
Conclusion 63